Blog post from our board member Dr. Robert Bacci: Looking for knee arthritis treatment in Hanford? – Courtesy of Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy

If you are looking for knee arthritis treatment in Hanford, read on, and you’ll see that not only is physical therapy a great choice, you will learn that Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy is one of the best providers in the Hanford area.
There are a number of options for arthritis pain treatment in your knee. Arthritis typically includes the following signs and symptoms: pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. You have to be experiencing all of these symptoms along with a positive X-raying test to be diagnosed with knee arthritis.
Note: this article is based on the most recent clinical research for knee arthritis treatment – the NICE Guidelines.
Patients with knee arthritis usually have significant pain when they put a large load/force on their knee joint—climbing/descending stairs, getting out of a chair or car, jogging/running all load the knee joint.
You Should Start with Conservative Care First – Bacci & Glinn PT are some of the Best Clinicians if You’re Looking for Knee Arthritis Treatment in Hanford
If you live in the Hanford area and are looking for an expert specializing in arthritis treatment, we can help. Of course, a wide range of treatments can help reduce symptoms and boost your quality of life.
In this article, we will discuss the value of visiting a physical therapist for the “first-line treatment” of knee arthritis. Let’s get into the weeds and find out what makes physical therapy beneficial.
Knee arthritis is an inflammatory and degenerative joint condition that can be better understood by knowing a few key facts about the knee. Pain, edema, stiffness, and limited range of motion are typical symptoms among adults (especially seniors). Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two common forms of knee arthritis. Read more…