Forestalling Age with Fitness with Dr. Stephen Black – wise athletes podcast

Our board member Dr. Stephen Black was on a podcast at Wise Athletes: #46 — Forestalling Age with Fitness with Dr. Stephen Black · wise athletes podcast

Not a transcript but a summary of the key points discussed with links to other material mentioned:

Age: Chronological vs. physiological age: create a gap in your favor

Start Early: the earlier you start in athletic, the better your health as you get older (don’t wait!)

Be Proactive: avoiding health problems has a much bigger payoff than solving health problems after they arrive.

Consistency & Moderation: for the older athlete, consistency is key to derive the benefits of healthy behaviors, and moderation is important as we shift to prioritizing health over performance.

Patience: progress toward health and fitness is a journey, not a destination.

47 foods: stay within your food selections to find consistency

Protein: 1.5-2.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight for an active person working out 1-3+ hours per day. And, err on the side of too much to compensate for worsening digestion and signaling in our bodies as we get older. Eat protein with carbs (1-to-3 ratio of protein to carbs)

Weight-bearing Resistance Exercise: older athletes must get some weight-bearing resistance exercise to retain muscle mass and maintain bone health.

Recovery: Use a 1-to-3 ratio. For every 1 dose of high intensity, 3 does of recovery. Dose = time exercising. “I’m as good once as I ever was”. But get the recovery to avoid injury and/or catastrophe.

Click here to listen to the podcast episode.

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