Blog post from our board member Dr. Robert Bacci: Foot and Ankle Treatment – Courtesy of Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Is The Fastest Way To Regain Your Abilities After A Foot Or Ankle Injury
Regardless of your activity level, you need your feet and ankles to work properly in order to get around. Perhaps even more so than the hips and knees, these body parts are essentially the vehicles that allow us to move and navigate the world around us.
This is why any injury to this region of the body can be seriously detrimental, as experiencing pain with each step can interfere with doing the things you love or possibly drain your motivation to engage even in basic activities. There are several injuries and conditions that can develop in the foot or ankle, and each one has the potential to slow you down. But they have something else in common as well: all of these injuries can be effectively treated with a comprehensive course of physical therapy.
Physical therapists are movement experts that guide patients through a variety of active and passive interventions that will go on to alleviate pain and help patients regain their abilities. Below, we offer a brief summary of some of the more common foot and ankle injuries and highlight key components of a typical physical therapy program for each.
Ankle Sprain & Treatment
- An ankle sprain occurs any time the foot twists or rolls beyond its normal range of motion; in most cases, this happens when a player lands on another player’s foot wrong or twists their ankle when making a cutting motion in sports
- A sprain means that one of the ligaments in the ankle—which connect bones to one another—has stretched too far or was torn from this force
- Physical therapy highlight