Blog post from our CEO Marco Meyer: 4 Exercises for lower back pain and Lumbar Lordosis
Some time ago, I was forced to take sick leave from work because of my lower back pain.
Six different doctors had already examined my lower back. That day, I drove to the seventh and last doctor. I felt weak and vulnerable, and I was extremely annoyed. The doctor took an x-ray of my lumbar spine.

Diagnosis: ‘Lumbago’, which is just another word for low back pain.
Well, I knew that already! The last doctor couldn’t help me either. He prescribed the typical: Painkillers, physical therapy, and rest. After a few days, the pain was gone, but only for a while…
A Strong Back Doesn’t Feel Pain, Right?
I experienced back pain for the first time in 2006. At that time, American football, wrestling, and weight training were my priorities.
It started off with little aches in the lower back. In the beginning I thought it was nothing serious and that it would go away by itself. But instead, it got worse!
My sleep wasn’t very good, and was getting worse. Sitting became uncomfortable, and when I moved without thinking, a sharp pain shot through my back. The pain and discomfort usually came in spurts, and lasted for 1-2 weeks. The pain would go away for a little while, and I would forgot about it until the next time it appeared.
I didn’t understand what was happening. I was eating healthy, and exercising almost every day. According to the doctors my back was fine – or was it?
While this was going on I remember seeing an old marketing slogan from a German company called Kieser Training: “A Strong Back Doesn’t Feel Pain”. Anyone who has ever experienced back pain will agree, that statement is bullshit!
I still believed it, though. I was deadlifting, rowing and doing pull ups on top of wrestling and football. My back was strong … and it ached…
This went on for several long and painful years.
After the seventh doctor’s visit and a break from training, my pain disappeared as usual, so I started training again. This time, I trained harder than ever.
Insanity: doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result. – Albert Einstein (likely)
It didn’t take long before I felt lower back pain again. It happened one evening at wrestling practice, and it was so bad, I had to stop training. My coach came over and asked what was wrong, so I told him about the troubles with my back.
Click here to continue reading and see what my coach had to say regarding my back pain…